Jitesh Ghanchi JEEiEE

Jitesh Ghanchi ⭕

aka JEEiEE (Indie Hacker)

About Me

Hey there! I’m Jitesh. Thanks for dropping by—your curiosity deserves a virtual high-five!

So, back in 2014, I was juggling electrical engineering and daydreaming about starting something cool. I’m an electrical engineer turned graphic designer, and let’s be real, I’ve bought three unique .com domain names in the past, only to have them gather digital dust because of my lazy-tech combo. But hold on, enter ChatGPT in Dec 2023, my new partner in crime! It’s like having a tech-savvy buddy who helps me turn ideas into reality, making it as easy as popping open a water bottle.

With the help of ChatGPT, I built my projects and earned my first online $1000.

Now, let’s talk tech love. I’m that guy who discovered Figma through YouTube and learned it by mashing buttons. No formal courses for me—I’m all about learning on-demand. From speeding up websites (added some magical cache) to becoming a Google Sheet script guru for daily rankings, it’s been a wild ride.

If you’re reading this, you’re part of the journey, and that’s awesome! 🙌

Thanks for hanging out.

JEEiEE: Jitesh, Who loves Explore > Experiment > improve > Evolve > Enjoy

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Web Development SEO Product Marketing Graphic Designing UI UX Creative Problem Solving Tech Trend Exploration Continuous Learning...


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